"Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.’"
Matthew 9:37-38
Men's Group
Men’s Group: This group is a voluntary organization of men 18 years old and above. It was set up as some of the men saw a necessity for such an organization to mirror the ECW. There is a leadership cadre of President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The tenure of these positions is usually 2 years. There is a voluntary monthly dues of $10, and donations beyond the dues are always welcome to support our ministry at the church. The group has supported the church in annual fund-raising Thanksgiving celebrations, the yearly celebration of Mothers’ Day, and to financially support our church’s youth attending college, especially if they have been engaged with service to the church (acolyte) as they have grown in their faith formation. The group assists with any activity that the church needs men to execute, or any activity that they deem necessary for the good of the community. An example of this is setting up tents and taking them down for any outside events, putting out the wooden crosses out on the grounds during Holy Week, etc
Episcopal Church Women(ECW) and Daughters of the King
Episcopal Church Women: ECW is a national organization of the Episcopal Church. All women of the church are included in its membership. Our chapter of ECW has monthly meetings after Sunday worship to keep informed of any service projects that are needed at the church. A President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected each year.
Daughters of the King: Daughters of the King is a National Order of women who assist our clergy in prayer, service, and evangelism. Members of this order pledge to pray daily, especially for those in need. They have groups of daily and special prayers for each day of the week. The members try to do service projects to help in multiple ways. Women who are members of the Order of the Daughters of the King are installed into the order by the clergy during a church service....
Acolytes: Responsible for lighting and extinguishing altar candles and candelabras. Also receiving offering from ushers. Serve as Crucifer for processions.
The Children's Ministry
The Children's ministry at Christ the King comprises kids from nursery age through middle school. Children at Christ the King are cared for by members of the Children's Ministry Team, who have completed the Safe Guarding God’s Children Program organized by the diocese. We constantly strive to maintain an atmosphere of love and happiness for the kids to learn about God and to grow in their understanding of his teachings. Contact Us if you would like more information about the Children's Ministry at Christ the King.
Additional Ministries at Christ the King
Altar Guild: Members of the church who prepare the sanctuary for Holy Communion and cleanup after the service. They are also responsible for changing the banners and altar hangings for different liturgical times of the year.
Eucharistic Ministers: Assist the priest during the distribution of Holy Communion by offering the chalice of wine to communicants.
Worship Leaders: Lead the Nicene Creed and read the Prayers of the People
Lectors: Read the Old Testament reading, lead the reading of the Psalm for the day and read the Epistle.
Ushers: Are also greeters who welcome all who attend worship, offering words of hospitality and distribute the bulletins, assist with seating as needed, collect the offering and to direct people to receive communion.
Welcome committee: Welcomes visitors before the service and makes sure that they have what they need for the service, may sit with them during the service if the visitor requests that. Makes sure that they are welcomed for refreshments after the service and are given a welcome packet.
Choir: Lead the congregational singing and offer choral selections during the service as directed by the Music Director. The choir rehearses on Sundays before the service beginning at 9:30am.
Communication & Security Team: This team includes the church’s webmaster who maintains the church’s website, FB administrators, and working with Robert Lao to maintain the church’s security system with ADT and monitoring of security cameras.
Christian Formation: Teachers and teaching assistants (usually high school students) who teach our children about Jesus Christ and how to grow in their faith as Christians.
Children’s Chapel is held during the Liturgy of the Word on Sunday mornings. Children and their teachers return to the service after the Peace. Materials for each Sunday’s lessons are provided to the teachers.
Team for Sunday Projection Screens: This team is responsible for projecting the Sunday bulletin during the worship service on Sunday mornings. The Bulletin is downloaded onto the computer in the nave during the week. Presently Shegun Olagundoye is the team leader and takes the responsibility of having the bulletins ready to project on Sundays. Team members sit at the computer and advance the Bulletin as a power point presentation.
Counters: These volunteers help the Treasurer to count and record the Sunday offerings each week. Two counters meet with the Treasurer after the service to count and record all the offerings that have been collected during the service or mailed in during the week.
Hospitality Committee: Arranges for volunteers to provide light refreshments in the great hall after the services. The team makes arrangements to provide refreshments or lunch if there is a congregational meeting..
Besides the age-grade ministries listed above, at Christ the King, there are numerous opportunities to serve God with your time, talent and resources. You are welcome to become a member and to join any other ministry, such as the choir, multimedia, altar guild, acolyting, ushering, etc. Simply contact us for more information.